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FRE World Cup Wheel of Fortune

Started by Gavona, July 05, 2014, 16:03:18

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Maybe ........... You could do with a bit of help to get enough balls for the explorers
or maybe....... You are ok for footballs and are willing to give some to help others in return for the chance of a great prize

Either way this event is for you :)

Deadline for entries and donations:  Monday at 20:00hrs UK time
The prize lists will then be finalised and the results, including codes for Donors to use the wheel are expected to be published / sent  Tuesday 20:00hrs uk time

The entry fee is 200 footballs and you tell us whether you want to win footballs or to try the Donor' wheel of fortune. 
Please only enter to win footballs if you feel you need a bit of help to get enough for the explorers.
(If you don't have enough footballs to enter? ==> have a word and we can try to help by trading you for 200).

To make this, and other competitions) work well we would appreciate donations of a few nice prizes :)  These could be anything from a lootspot to Frozen Manor... or even some footballs

Football Draw - We will distribute all the footballs we receive in entries and donations to the lucky winners. 

Football Donors' Wheel of Fortune - All entrants will be given a code to operate our new Wheel of Fortune (thanks ToniSoprano).  Here you will win one of 8  prizes.  Here is a picture of the Wheel of fortune with examples of the prizes you could win.  The actual prizes will depend on your donations but will definitely include a Silo and a Watermill!

Please note: Only the first two people to draw a particular prize number will receive the prize shown (we don't have an infinite supply!).  The third and subsequent winners of the at prize will receive 1,000gc

PLease send entries and prize donations to ToniSoprano

Quote from: ToniSoprano Mail 7 July ToniSoprano:

Please check we have put you in the right draw:

Prizes for the donors draw:
1. Improved Silo x1 / Normal Silo x1
2. Improved Storehouse x1 / Pirate Residence x1
3. Watermillx2
4. RB LS
5. ML LS
6. RB adv
7. 300 grout
8. Arctic Iron Mine
(prizes are listed by value, and will have different numbers on the wheel)

1. Each participant will get a voucher code that will be used with the Wheel of Fortune. When the wheel stops, it will show the prize that is won.
2. First three prizes are limited in quantity. If more than one player gets the same  prize (1-3), they will spin the wheel again using the new voucher that will be sent some time later. The highest number will win the 1st prize (e.g. improved silo), 2nd highest 2nd prize (e.g. normal silo),  all other players will win 1000gc as consolation prize.
3. Prizes 4-8 are unlimited in quantity.
When the competition starts, we will also share the link where you can follow the draw progress.

Last chance to enter - send to me entry fee 200balls by 19h Tuesday
Draw will be at 21h (UK time zone)

"I get by with a little help from my friends."<br /><br />Draw Details      Wheel of Fortune


These are the entries for the WC draw:

Football draw:

Donors draw:


Football draw

Winners of the footballs draw:

Donors draw
Prizes of the donors draw:
Current status of the donors draw can be followed on this link:

Winners of the donors draw:
Gavona: RB adventure
DoubleEdge: 300 grout
Bencot80: 300 grout
bleeken: Improved storehouse
bobo007: silo
Blackout: Improved silo
Fishslice: Watermill
zoooki: Watermill
Stingray: 1000c


Nice one and thanks Toni it made for good fun ;-)


Yes I liked it Toni, I was a bit lost at first but thats normal for me :)         Great fun I thought.
A stranger is only a friend you have yet to meet.

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