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Old Events and Competitions / FRE FISHFARM and PUMPKIN event...
Last post by Gavona - October 17, 2014, 21:58:51
This fun event will run throughout the weekend.  For so long as there are guild members wanting to sell and acquire FishFarms.

Would you like to get some extra Fish Farms?

We will run a wheel of fortune for 8 players at a time.
Each spin will cost 120 pumpkins
and will get you a code to validate your spin of the wheel
The main prize will be a Fish Farm.  Only one person can win this.*
Other prizes are as shown in the Wheel of Fortune picture in the next post.  However I may add to these from time to time and I would welcome donations, offers of lootspots etc

We give the 960 pumpkins (8x120)  to the lowest level guildie who wants to sell their fish farm.   

*If 2 people spin the Fish farm then the person with the lowest level will win it.  If both the same level then the person who span first will win.   The other player will receive the alternate prize indicated.

You may realise that all 8 players may spin but none be lucky enough to win a fish farm.  If this happens then the entry fees (960 pumpkins) will be used to support other pumpkin events and players.

Quote from: BackgroundFishfarms are only obtainable from the shop for 700 pumkins and with a limit of 3 per person.
However there is a bug that will be fixed on Monday.  Until that time Fishfarms use licences and are tradeable.
So the advice is that if other pumpkin stuff is more important to you than fishfarms then you should buy your 3 fishfarms and trade them for pumkins (or anything else) before Monday.

Would you like to sell your Fishfarms for 960 pumpkins each!
This will enable you to get other pumpkin stuff that is more important to you.

If you would like to do this and help the guild have a bit of fun at the same time then please reply to this post saying how many you would like to sell.  We will then include them in the wheel of fortune.
To clarify if you want to sell your Fish farm I will send you the 700 pumpkins so you can do so.  Then I will send a further 260 pumpkins in exchange for the Fish Farm

So far we have the following available (I will try to keep this list updated).  Each time we run the wheel of fortune I will choose the lowest level player on the list who has not already had the opportunity.
Gavona  lvl 50    (but I will only take 760 pumpkins for them - left overs ==> guild pot)
Gavona  lvl 50 


Old Events and Competitions / A selection of tips mostly tak...
Last post by Gavona - October 13, 2014, 23:32:49

When you first log in upon the event activation, Please follow the quest chain, If you kill the Golem first it will not count.

Once you have placed your Cemetery's they can not be moved, They will not return to your star menu if you demolish, So make sure you place them very carefully.

Buffing Cemetaries

   One of the best buffs requires you to be level 22 to create, The Werewolf buff, These are tradable and usable beneath this level though, They can only be used on the Cemetery's.
   Start collecting your Barrels, Grain Sacks and Leather now, To be able to buff the Noble Cemetery's using the Werewolf buffs from start to finish you will need 720 Barrels, 360 Grain sacks and 72 Leather.
   If you wish to buff all Cemetery's using the Werewolf buff, That would be around 183 buffs, You would need 3660 Barrels, 1830 Grain sacks and 366 Leather.
   Technically you only need the buff to be active when the worker makes the deposit into the storehouse. That means if I wanted to use a Werewolf buff on a small field (8) hour production time, The best way for me to do this would be to pause production as one buff ends, wait until the next deposit is due (up to 8 hours later), Then buff, start the building production again.... I would then get 9 hours from that moment (buff swapped) equalling 2 cemetery cycles deposited into your stores, Once complete pause and wait.
Old Events and Competitions / Re: Halloween 2014
Last post by hurricane60 - October 10, 2014, 22:47:17
    The Adventures you may get Pumkins from are as follows:

    The Invasion of the Nords,  Wild Mary,  Gunpowder,  Sleepy Reef,  The Sleeping Volcano,  Pirate Life.

    The Buccaneer Roundup,  The Siege,  Raiding The Raiders,  Whirlwind,  Lakeside Treasure.

    The Nords,  Stealing From The Rich,  More Secluded Experiments,  Return to the Bandit Nest.

    Tomb Raiders,  The Black Knights,  Motherly Love.

    The Clever Little Tailor,  The Heroic Little Tailor,  The Island Of The Pirates.
    Some helpfull advise, if I may :)     You can get Pumkins in the following manner:

    As a Collectible Item on the home island.
    As reward for defeating the Golem.
    By completing Halloween Quests.
    From a Pumpkin Cemetery.
    Through the trade system.
    As gifts from friends.
    From the shop.
   You dont need to spend any Pumkins before the 4th of November, best to save them and work out what you want to buy,
   and how many you will need. The Event section in the shop does not shut untill the 11th of November.
   Make the buffs Banshee's Scream and Werewolf's Howl in the Mayor's House using collectibles,
   to buff your Pumkin Cemetery's.  The collectables are free so you may as well use them :)
Old Events and Competitions / Vases Competition.
Last post by hurricane60 - September 26, 2014, 20:38:19
Hello all, This weekends competition is called:   Vases.

This is going to be a hard one, so the prizes will reflect the difficulty :)

I have placed 4 sets of Vases on my island, only one is hidden :)

If you dont know what they look like they can be found in decorations in the merchant shop.

When you find them mail me what buildings they are next too, if you can only find 3 you will go in a random number Draw and there will be 3 winners of a Watermill, if you find 4 you will go in a draw for a Witch Tower, those who find 4 will also go in the draw for a Watermill as you have obviously found 3.

So you dont have to spend too much time having to look for them i will tell you what sectors they are in,
the vases are:      one in sector 1,    one in sector 5,     two in sector 7.

The competition closes at 9pm UK time Sunday 28th September.... The winners of the Silo's were: Prasings, GoW and CSkel :)

Good luck to all   H.                                                                      .... The winner of the Witch Tower was: Natola  :)
Old Events and Competitions / Pavilions of Sun. Competition...
Last post by hurricane60 - September 19, 2014, 17:25:40
Hello all,  This weekends competition is called  Pavilions of Sun.

Before i tell you the competition i would just like to say, stingray has left the game, but before he went we spent an hour or so
were he sent me most of his buildings and bits and pieces for the guild. As did BlueFairy before she left.
BlueFairy may come back to us when she has finished her " walkabout "

So i would like to take this opportunity to thank Blue and sting and other Guildies past and present for providing prizes, thanks :)

The Competition : I have placed 6 Pavilions on my island ( one is part hidden the rest are easy ) as normal you have to find them
and mail me with their location, which sector they are in or what buildings they are next to. ( Hint,  they are not in sector 9 )

There will be 3 wnners drawn at random from the correct entries for a silo each.

There is a second part to the competiton, one winner of an Improved Silo if you tell me the name of the group who sang the song

                                                                        Pavilions of Sun

The Competition ends at 8pm UK time Sunday 21st September.      The winner of the Improved silo was: panda.

Good luck to all   H.                                                                           The 3 winners of a silo were: Praesings, Ursus and ken.
Old Events and Competitions / Out of Season. Competition.
Last post by hurricane60 - September 05, 2014, 21:34:34
Hello all,

This weekends Competition is called:  Out of Season.

I have placed 2 Snowmen on my island amd I want you to find them. When you have found them please mail me with your answers,
telling me where they are, as in wich sector and what building they are by.

To save you time I will tell you they are not in sector 9 ( a bit crowded up there )

There will be a draw of the correct entries and their will be 4 winners of a Watermill :)

Prizes donated by sting :)

The competition closes at 8pm UK time Sunday 7th September.

Good luck to all,    H.                 The winners where Okie, panda, fast and lololove...........congratulations.
Old Events and Competitions / Halloween 2014
Last post by Gavona - August 20, 2014, 21:41:05
This thread is to capture information about the event - please add to it as much as you can.  I will try to keep this first post updated with the latest info and links:

Quote[20:31] unicornlinzy1: we all need to stock up on water, copper ore, iron ore, and tit ore for halloween.    it is a click fest with golems again.

B.B's  link for the Halloween Event:


Brayarg's guide  (+google translate if you do not speak German)
Old Events and Competitions / Flowered Stones 4
Last post by hurricane60 - August 01, 2014, 21:27:58
This weekends Competition from hurricane60 is called " Flowered Stones 4. "

Hi everyone, This Competition is similar to the last Flowered Stones, I am running out of ideas :)

I have placed 10 Flowered Stones on my island and you have to find them, as you find them write down the first letter of the
building nearest to the Flowered Stone. You will end up with 10 letters and you have to make two words out of the 10 letters.
There is a 7 letter word followed by a 3 letter word.  As usual ( up to now ) the words are used in T.S.O.

Hints and Tips:
........................There are no Flowered Stones in sector 9 ( way too many flower beds and roses to distract you )
........................There may be 2 Flowered Stones next to the same building, to get 2 of the same letters.

There will be 4 winners drawn at random from the correct entries and they will win the following prizes:

One x Silo  or  2 x Nobles.     Please let me know in the mail which prize you prefer.

The Competition ends on Sunday 3rd August at 9pm UK time.

Please send your entries to me by mail.                      And good luck to all.          H.
This was mailed by ken and i missed it.

        Brazil v Holland... 2 - 3................2
Germany v Argentina...3 -
Old Events and Competitions / Re: What Time ? Competition.
Last post by hurricane60 - July 13, 2014, 21:37:06
this was mailed by Ken and i missed it.           38 mins.............110 mins...........Storehouse.
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